Digivice Guide for Digivice D-Ark Version 1.5
The D-Ark (ディーアーク) is the third in the series of Pedometer Digivices. You gain more Digimon as you progress throughout the areas by inputting their card numbers along with a symbol of Digi-code then slash the card.
See full list on wikimon.net. D Arc Digivice Manual Lawn Canon Ij Scan Utility Mp 230 Alan Parsons Project Torrent Flac Till The Day I Die. Download BIOS HT2000 MCP61PM-AM REV1 Manual required. Related: digimon digivice d3 digimon digivice d-ark digimon digivice 15th digimon digivice d tector digimon figures digimon pendulum tamagotchi digimon cards Refine more Format.
After certain amounts of battles, your Digimon will evolve into their more powerful forms. Progressing through the Area’s requires you to take ‘Steps’ which in turn is a mini pendulum clicking on the inside of the toy. Keep it attached to your belt and as you walk (or shake it manually) the counter will decrease leading you to the boss of the Area. Beat the boss to progress.
Another Digivice D-Ark Guide :
D-Ark Version 1.5
Game Play:
Set the time, then you choose your Digimon partner, and start walking them by shaking. Your Digimon can train in the training mode. Here are the options. (These appear if you press the down button on the D-Ark. Pressing the up button shows the time.)
- Training: Here you can train your Digimon.
- Terriermon/Labramon – Shake (6 times for Child Digimon, 5 times for all others, this works for all evolutions as well).
- Guilmon – Push (Try to get over 27, this works for all evolutions and Dark line as well).
- Renamon Line- (Wait one second after it says COUNT.)
- Renamon- Up, Down, A, B
- Kyuubimon/Youkomon- Down, A, B, Up
- Taomon/Doumon- Up, Down, B, A
- Sakuyamon/Kuzuhamon- Up, B, A, Down
- Card: You can slash cards for items, or Digimon partners. You can only slash the Digimon you have seen to access them as partners. Slashing a Digimon you haven’t seen will result in an error. What Digimon you’ve seen will be in the Note section. Steps to slash are as follows.
- Note: The Digimon you’ve seen (and thusly are able to Slash).
- My Digimon: These are the Digimon you’ve slashed in the ‘Card’ Option. The more they fight, the stronger they get. You can have eight Digimon, two from each level.
- Item: These are the items you’ve gotten from Impmon, or Slashing. You can hold a maximum of three of each item.
- Medical: Heal your Digimon after a lost battle, or it won’t be able to walk or fight.
- Network: This consists of two options.
- Battle Option: Battle the Pendulums, D-3/D-Terminal, and D-Ark.
- Trade Option: Allows you to trade items with another D-Ark.
- Swan Link: Enables you to link to the following WonderSwan Color games:
- Digimon Medley – Battle
- Battle Spirit – Battle
- Brave Tamer – Battle and Trade Items
Button Options:
- Pressing the ‘cancel’ button while your Digimon is on the screen brings up the map. Pressing the ‘accept’ button shows you how many steps are left, and how many have been taken, along with what area you are currently in. Press ‘cancel’ to exit these screens.
- Pressing the ‘accept’ button while your Digimon is on the screen lets you scroll through the other Digimon you have if you have rescued them from Impmon. If you push ‘accept’ while on another Digimon, you will begin to use them. You can see how many battles they’ve won, and how much more they need until their next evolution, by continually pressing ‘accept.’
Battle Options:
- Battle (Kougeki): This sends your Child Digimon into battle. Afterward, a code insertion screen appears, and you may enter a code of an option card.
- Evolve (Shinka): You may evolve here. After the evolution, you will begin the Battle phase, including the Card Slash sequence. (This option does not appear until you are able to evolve).
- Trade (Nakama): This allows you to switch between different Partner Digimon during battle. Afterwards, you are returned to the Battle Menu.
- My Digimon: Your slashed Digimon rest here. You will also have access to whatever evolution line you have set up. These Digimon have the potential to be stronger or weaker than Partner Digimon, depending on how much they’ve battled. Slashed Digimon are not able to train.
Partner Digimon
Guilmon – Attributes Vi, HP7, and AP2. MegaHit: Push more than 27 times.
Growmon – Attributes Vi, HP10, and AP2. MegaHit: Push more than 27 times.
MegaloGrowmon – Attributes Vi, HP13, and AP3. MegaHit: Push more than 27 times.
Dukemon – Attributes Vi, HP14, and AP3. MegaHit: Push more than 27 times.
BlackGrowmon – Attributes Vi, HP10, and AP2. MegaHit: Push more than 27 times.
BlackMegaloGrowmon – Attributes Vi, HP13, and AP3. MegaHit: Push more than 27 times.
ChaosDukemon – Attributes Vi, HP14, and AP3. MegaHit: Push more than 27 times.
Terriermon – Attributes Va, HP8, and AP1, MegaHit: Shake 6 times
Galgomon – Attributes Va, HP10, and AP2, MegaHit: Shake 5 times
Rapidmon – Attributes Va, HP13, and AP4, MegaHit: Shake 5 times
SaintGalgomon Attributes Va, HP14, and AP5, MegaHit: Shake 5 times
Renamon – Up, Down, A, B
Kyuubimon – Down, A, B, Up
Taomon – Up, Down, B,
Sakuyamon – Up, B, A, Down
Enemy Digimon
Area 1: To Clear; 8000
Hagurumon, Betamon, Agumon
BOSS: Guardromon (HP9, AP2)
Secret A: To Clear; 4000
(Clear Area 1 with under 9000 steps)
Keramon, PicoDevimon, Guardromon
BOSS: Devimon (HP10, AP2)
Area 2: To Clear; 9000
Agumon, Lopmon, Greymon (VA)
BOSS: Wendimon (HP10, AP2)
Area 3: To Clear; 10,000
Seadramon, Chrysalimon, Ganimon
BOSS: Dogmon (HP12, AP3)
Secret B: To Clear; 4000
(Clear Area 3 with under 12,000 steps)
Allomon, Devimon, Greymon (VA)
BOSS: Pandamon (HP12, AP3)
Area 4: To Clear; 11,000
Guardromon, Dogmon, Greymon (VA)
BOSS: MetalGreymon (VA) (HP13, AP4)
Area 5: To Clear; 12,000
Pandamon, Tylomon, Chrysalimon
BOSS: MarineDevimon (HP14, AP3)
Secret C: To Clear; 4000
(Clear area 5 with under 15,000)
Magnamon, MetalGreymon (VA), MarineDevimon
BOSS: Antiramon (VI) (HP14, AP3)
Area 6: To Clear; 13,000
Devimon, Allomon, Vamdemon
BOSS: VenomVamdemon (HP15, AP4)
Secret S: To Clear; 4000
(Communicate with the WS three times or more by the end of Area 6)
MegaDramon, Infermon, Chimeramon
BOSS: Milleniumon (HP15, AP4)
Area 7: To Clear; 14,000
WarGreymon, MetalSeadramon, VenomVamdemon
BOSS: Cherubimon (VI) (HP15, AP4)
FINAL: To Clear; 15,000
(Clear Area 7 with under 15,000)
MetalSeadramon, Cherubimon (VI), VenomVamdemon
BOSS: Diablomon (HP15, AP4)
- Digimon evolves into the Adult stage after 10 wins, Perfect after 15 wins and Ultimate after 20 wins.
- The Dark Guilmon line evolves as follows. You can only have one of each level, but which one that is depends on the conditions you meet.
- If Guilmon has two or fewer losses after 10 victories it will evolve into Growmon. Three or more losses will result in BlackGrowmon.
- If you have 14 or less Digimon entries in your Notes section and get to 15 victories it will result in BlackMegaloGrowlmon. 15 or more entries will result in MegaloGrowmon
- If you get 20 victories, and you have 79% or less Win Ratio you will get ChaosDukemon. An 80% Win Ratio or higher will get Dukemon.
- If you feed an Evoluter to Guilmon before his Adult stage has been established, it will become BlackGrowmon when it’s ready to evolve. The same is for the higher evolutions.
Impmon Event:
A different tune than that of an enemy or boss tune marks Impmon’s appearance. Try to have your Digimon at the adult level, trained, and a plug-in is useful as well. When you confront Impmon initially, you must accept his challenge. Once you see him, you must shake to chase him down, but if you don’t get him, there is no penalty or reward. If Impmon has a partner Digimon, and you beat him, then you will have access to that new Digimon. If you lose, your loss will be recorded, and you’ll have to wait for Impmon again. Impmon does not always carry partners, he also carries items.

- Sound: To switch off sound hit the a and b button at the same time
- All Notes Code: Open the battery cover, and find a white button. Go to “Card Slash,” choose Box A, and type in [ ] 000 as your code, then Slash while pressing the white button. You will have all the Digimon information. Now all you need to do is Slash them with their codes. This is for Version 1 and Version 2. For the D-Ark version 1.5, type [*]-909 instead of [ ]-000 to get all the notes
Slashable Partner Digimon
1 | Guilmon | 125 or 245 | HP:5 AP:1 |
2 | Growmon | 351 or 578 | HP:8 AP:2 |
3 | BlackGrowmon | 233 | HP:7 AP:2 |
4 | MegaloGrowmon | 562 | HP:11 AP:2 |
5 | BlackMegaloGrowmon | 190 | HP:10 AP:2 |
6 | Dukemon | 890 | HP:12 AP:3 |
7 | ChaosDukemon | 864 | HP:12 AP:3 |
8 | Terriermon | 421 or 312 | HP:6 AP:1 |
9 | Galgomon | 531 or 632 | HP:8 AP:1 |
10 | Rapidmon | 689 | HP:11 AP:2 |
11 | SaintGalgomon | 541 | HP:12 AP:3 |
12 | Renamon | 789 or 634 | HP:5 AP:1 |
13 | Kyuubimon | 470 or 163 | HP:8 AP:2 |
14 | Taomon | 226 | HP:10 AP:2 |
15 | Sakuyamon | 586 | HP:11 AP:3 |
Slashable Note Digimon
16 | Agumon | 329 | HP:5 AP:1 |
17 | V-mon (1.0) | 524 | HP:5 AP:1 |
Lopmon (1.5) | 849 | HP:5 AP:1 | |
18 | Betamon | 690 | HP:4 AP:1 |
19 | PicoDevimon | 444 | HP:5 AP:1 |
20 | Ganimon | 357 | HP:4 AP:1 |
21 | Hagurumon | 745 | HP:5 AP:1 |
22 | Keramon | 004 | HP:6 AP:1 |
23 | Greymon (Va) | 564 | HP:7 AP:1 |
24 | XV-mon | 221 | HP:8 AP:2 |
Wendimon | 767 | HP:8 AP:2 | |
25 | Seadramon | 479 | HP:7 AP:1 |
26 | Tylomon | 576 | HP:8 AP:2 |
27 | Devimon | 666 | HP:8 AP:2 |
28 | Guardromon | 789 | HP:8 AP:2 |
29 | Chrysallimon | 456 | HP:10 AP:2 |
30 | Dogmon | 823 | HP:10 AP:2 |
31 | Allomon | 123 | HP:10 AP:2 |
32 | Magnamon | 000 | HP:13 AP:3 |
33 | MetalGreymon (Va) | 222 | HP:12 AP:3 |
34 | Paildramon (1.0) | 345 | HP:12 AP:3 |
Antiramon (1.5) | 901 | HP:12 AP:3 | |
35 | Vamdemon | 678 | HP:12 AP:3 |
36 | Orochimon (1.0) | 224 | HP:12 AP:3 |
Pandamon (1.5) | 934 | HP:12 AP:3 | |
37 | MarineDevimon | 543 | HP:12 AP:3 |
38 | Megadramon | 653 | HP:12 AP:3 |
39 | Infermon | 245 | HP:12 AP:3 |
40 | Chimeramon | 789 | HP:12 AP:3 |
41 | WarGreymon | 343 | HP:13 AP:4 |
42 | Imperialdramon Fighter Mode (1.0) | 000 or 010 | HP:15 AP:5 |
Imperialdramon Paladin Mode (1.5) | 123 | HP:15 AP:5 | |
43 | VenomVamdemon | 267 | HP:13 AP:3 |
44 | Diablomon | 777 | HP:15 AP:4 |
45 | MugenDramon (1.0) | 789 | HP:15 AP:4 |
Cherubimon (Vi) (1.5) | 098 | HP:15 AP:4 | |
46 | Omegamon | 901 or 354 | HP:15 AP:5 |
47 | MetalSeadramon | 258 | HP:13 AP:3 |
48 | Impmon | 249 | HP:8 AP:2 |
49 | Milleniumon | 576 or 696 | HP:15 AP:4 |
Option Cards and Codes
Bo-448 | Power Charger: Gives you 10 DP | 776 |
Bo-449 | Super Charger: Gives you 30 DP | 698 |
Bo-450 | MAX Charger: Gives you 99 DP | 221 |
Bo-451 | Jumper ROM: Advances you by 500 steps | 556 |
Bo-452 | Jumper Board: Advances you by 1000 steps | 431 |
St-373 | Evoluter: Lets you evolve in the next battle, even if you can’t evolve yet. | 590 |
St-374 | Accelerator: Your partner’s stats are Maxed. | 329 |
St-375 | Holy Orb: You will defeat your next enemy with one hit (not effective on Bosses). | 241 |
Reference: File Island: The Complete Digimon Electronics Resource
D-3 | |
Kanji/Kana | D-3 |
The D-3 is the Digivice used by the new Chosen Children in Digimon Adventure 02.
- 3Appearances
- 3.1Anime
- 3.2Virtal Pets
- Same functions as the previous Digivice in Adventure 01.
- Channel the emotional energy the Chosen, allowing the following:
- Evolution up to Adult level
- Jogress Evolution to Perfect
- Armor Evolution (when used in conjunction with Digimentals which are stored in palmtops known as D-Terminals)
- Open Digital Gates
Owner | Grips | Body | Buttons |
Motomiya Daisuke | blue | white | black |
Inoue Miyako | red | white | black |
Hida Iori | yellow | white | black |
Takaishi Takeru | green | white | black |
Yagami Hikari | pink | white | black |
Ichijouji Ken | black | gray | white |
Akiyama Ryou | blue | white | black |
The children infected with Dark Seeds by Oikawa | misc | white | black |
Digimon Adventure 02[edit]
D-Ark Version 1.0
Motomiya Daisuke, Inoue Miyako and Hida Iori are given D-3s when Yagami Taichi touches the Digimental of Courage. Afterwards, the Digivices of Takaishi Takeru and Yagami Hikari are turned into D-3s when they try to take the Digimentals of Hope and Light, respectively.
FileIsland: European D-Power - With The Will // Digimon Forums
Before the story started, Ichijouji Ken's Digivice was turned into a black D-3 when he submerged it into the Ocean of Darkness.
Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]
Motomiya Daisuke and Ichijouji Ken possess their original D-3s.
Digimon Adventure tri[edit]
Takaishi Takeru and Yagami Hikari still possess their D-3s. They're shown to change colours upon evolution into the Perfect and Ultimate levels, which wasn't shown in 02. As well, the D-3s are redesigned from how they looked in 02, being closer to the toys as they properly show Digimon Link System above the screen.
In Kokuhaku, Himekawa Maki is shown to possess Ichijouji Ken's D-3. It is used alongside the power of the Crests to open a path to the Digital World.
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[edit]
While they aren't shown, Ishida Yamato asks the 02 Chosen Children about their D-3s, confirming they still have them.
Virtal Pets[edit]
D-3 Toy[edit]
D-3 Ver.15th[edit]
The D-3s were dubbed as such by Koushirou, due to the three major settings he found while analyzing them - Digital, Detect and Discover.
Hyper Colosseum |
| |||
Battle Spirits |
Digimon Adventure 02 (control art) | Daisuke & Ryou's D-3 | Miyako's D-3 | Iori's D-3 |
Hikari's D-3 | Takeru's D-3 | Takeru's D-3 in Tri | Takeru's D-3 in Tri after Perfect/Ultimate evolution |
Hikari's D-3 in Tri | Hikari's D-3 in Tri after Perfect/Ultimate evolution |