Unit 10:prelude To The Civil Warmr. Mac's Room

A soldier's recollections: leaves from the diary of a young Confederate: with an oration on the motives and aims of the soldiers of the South, by Randolph Harrison McKim, 1842-1920. Billy Reilly, 28 years old, worked part-time as a confidential source for the Detroit office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. For years, he penetrated radical internet groups online, using. Edmund Clarence Stedman, ed. A Victorian Anthology, 1837–1895. The Ballad of East and West Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936).

66th Regiment
New York Volunteer Infantry
Civil War Newspaper Clippings

The funeral of Capt. E. F. Munn, of the Sixty-sixth regiment New-York Volunteers, who was killed at Gettysburgh, took place on Wednesday at Westchester. The ceremonies were very impressive: the people turned out en masse, and in the procession were the scholars of Harrington's School, and the Empire Engine Company. The remains were escorted to the grave by an Invalid corps from Fort Schuyler, composed entirely of wounded soldier.

CAPT. POMROY.—S. S. Pomroy of the Lockport Union, was last Saturday night elected captain of the 3d company of militia raised for the 66th regiment. 'Capt. Pomroy,' let us see—well the pen is said to be mightier than the sword, and put them both together, they'll make a team. We wish Capt. Pomroy a world of military glory.

Unit 10:prelude To The Civil Warmr. Mac

SIXTY-SIXTH REGIMENT NEW YORK. Killed--Co. A, Corporal Fred'k Stube; Co. B, Corporal Wm. Embree, Bernhard McGuire; Co. C, Corporal Chris. Ashaner. Wounded--Henry Amelong, August Meltz, John Speller, David Davis, First Sergeant Jno. McAuley, Corporal Jno. Broderick, Wm. Wood, John Raney, Dennis Falvey, Michael Ryan, John Simons, Timothy Burke, Jas. Sheridan, Lieut. R. Thompson, Geo. McFall, Wm. Burns, Jno. Tarson, Chas. Williams.

The funeral of Captain E. F. Munn, Sixty- sixth Regiment New York Volunteers, killed at Gettysburg, took place in Westchester, on Wednesday last, and was attended by nearly the whole village. The escort consisted of the Mounted Corps at Fort Schuyler, under command of Captain Pierson. The Engine Company, Empire No. 1, and the boys of Mr. Harrington's school, also turned out. Captain
Munn was 26 years of age, and entered the service as Second Lieutenant under Col. Pinckney two years since. He served during the Peninsula campaign, participated in every fight with the Army of the Potomac with the exception of Fair Oaks, and was promoted for gallant conduct in the field.

The following is an extract from a letter received to-day by Mr. George Roome, Keeper of the City Hall, from an officer of the 66th Regiment,
N. Y. V.:
Marysville, Va., Aug. 16.
Dear Sir: * * * The campaign in Maryland and Pennsylvania was the most severe we have had in the Army of the Potomac, and it was by mere courage, and the ghost of McClellan, that we won the battle of Gettysburg. The troops were made to believe that Little Mac was in command of the whole army, and at one time, when the fiercest fight was going on, a report was sent along the line that Mac was on our right with 50,000 militia, and had flanked the rebels. It would have done you good to hear the boys send forth their deafening cheers. I do believe that these false reports were circulated to inspire courage in the men. I think it is a mean act to use the name of our worshipped general, to gain praise for others. It is worse than highway robbery.
The writer farther calls for drafted men, and prophecies that the fall of Charleston will end the rebellion.

Two companies of this regiment, under command of Col. Egan, have just been mustered into service and are now at Camp Washington, on Staten Island. Tomorrow two other companies will join the regiment, one from Westchester county, and the other from Connecticut. The men who have been mustered in are uniformed, but without equipments.
(July 24, 1861)

now number over 500, and they expect to be put into quarters by the latter part of the present week. A meeting of the officers was held on Monday evening last and arrangements made in order to facilitate the proper and more rapid organization of the corps.

This first rate regiment, under command of the gallant Col. Pinkney, will leave their encampment, at Elm Park, this morning for the seat of war. The corps is one thousand strong, and is fully equipped. They are a fine, soldierly looking body of men and highly disciplined. Their departure, with a list of the officers, shall appear in our publication to-morrow.

The Bounty Committee were busy yesterday until dark paying off veterans and new recruits. Seventy-nine men from the Sixty-sixth Regiment, twenty-one from the Sixty-seventh Regiment, one veteran from the Fourteenth Regiment, and ten new recruits were paid off in this District, and thirty-six in the Eastern District, making as the total day's work 147 recruits.
To-day the committee are busy paying off the remainder of the one hundred and thirty men from the Sixty-sixth Regiment, and at noon, in addition to these, about a dozen new recruits had been paid, and a number more were waiting for the conclusion of the payments of the Sixty-sixth Regiment. Supervisors Booth, Osborne, Shearon, and Cropsey were all present, hard at work in the service.
The $500,000 appropriated and raised for the payment of County bounties is almost expended, and if the people of Kings County want their quota filled, they will have to come up quickly and take the certificates for the other $250,000 appropriated at the last meeting of the Board.
The money remaining on hand will all be expended in a day or two, probably to-day, and the progress of recruiting must be arrested just in its most favorable time, if money is not forthcoming and that immediate.

RECRUTING IN BROOKLYN—The Supervisors' Bounty Committee yesterday paid bounties to sixty veterans of the 66th and 67th Regiments. The day previous, bounties were paid to one hundred and eleven men. One company of the 67th Regiment having been originally enlisted in the western part of this State, were sent home. Supervisors Bloom and Kirby will proceed to Baltimore and the Rappahannock to-day, in order to pay bounties to all who are willing to re-enlist and be accredited to the quota of Kings County. The money heretofore raised for paying bounties is now nearly exhausted, and very little of the new loan has as yet been taken. If it is not taken soon, recruiting will come to a dead lock.


June 2, 1864.
At a meeting of the Young Men's Association of Bergen Point, N. J. , held June 16, 1864, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty Ruler and Disposer of all events to remove from the brotherhood of this Association, by death on the battle-field of Cold Harbor, Virginia, our fellow-member, col. Orlando H Morris, and Whereas, The death of one of our number in such a manner, and for such a cause, seems to speak to us not only the ordinary lessons of instruction and admonition, but is eloquent in its teaching and illustration of patriotic duty and firm devotion to the right; therefore, Resolved, 1. That in this early and sudden death, we recognize the hand of our God, and humbly and submissively bow before His will.
2. That in the person of our deceased brother we recognize one who rose to the true conception of disinterested patriotism; one who traced this conception in his own blood, and freely gave his life, full of hope and promise as it was, in defence of the land he loved.
3. That in him we further recognize the brave and humane soldier, loved and honored by all whom he led, the dutiful and respectful son, the devoted husband, the affectionate brother, the cordial and unselfish friend, and last, but by no means least, the humble Christian.
4. That we sincerely sympathize with the family circle so sorely bereaved, and commend them to the grace of that Saviour who has promised to be more than son or husband or brother.
5. That in view of the peculiar circumstances attendant on this loss of our association, we cannot permit this opportunity to pass by without giving expression to our entire and unconditional loyalty to the cause of country, truth, and justice, hoping that whenever it becomes our duty to rally in person around the flag, the example of our fallen brother may incite us to go forward in the path of duty.
6. That a copy of these resolutions, duly attested and engrossed, be forwarded to the parents, and also one to the wife of our deceased brother, and that they be published in the Christian Intelligencer and New-York Times newspapers.
Signed by COMMITTEE.
Bergen Point, N. J., June 17, 1864.

Sept. 23, 1864.
Dear Father: Your welcome letter is before me. You must not get discouraged, because Westchester always was, and will be for some time to come, 'Copperhead.' This is no time for idleness and talk; you must work—work late and early; not because there is any fear of defeat, but to make the victory all the more glorious and decisive. You wish to know the sentiments of the army, I will give you what I candidly believe to be the opinion of the soldiers upon the questions of the day, as I have heard them for days past, from all classes, all ranks, all degrees of intelligence, and all complexion of politics.
We will vote for no man who will not strengthen our columns. We will vote for no man who will not pledge himself to an earnest, unflinching prosecution of the war, and declare that he is not identified with Wood, Seymour, Vallandigham, Pendleton, and others of the same stamp. We will vote for no man who proposes to make terms with arch-traitors, to defeat whom our ranks have been thinned and our best blood spilled upon rebel soil, and for whom we believe the hangman's rope would be but a poor punishment. We will vote for no man who pledges himself to support propositions for peace just at a moment when the strong citadels of rebellion are being encircled by our bayonets.
We will vote for a man who pledges himself to profit by the experience of the past three years and a half, and who will strengthen our columns against the enemy in our front, while he administers the full penalty for high treason in our rear. We will vote for a man who pledges himself that the distress, hardships, fatigues, and pangs of separation from our homes, which we have passively and willingly submitted to for the past three years, have not been thrown away, but who will push our victorious armies onward until our enemies sue for peace on any terms, at the point of our bayonets, and we can return to our long-neglected wives, sisters, parents and little ones, our banners flung triumphantly to the breeze, and our arms hung up to moulder and decay, while our children enjoy the peaceful fruits of the triumph of the young Republic. Such, dear father, I believe to be what the soldiers think, in the Army of the Potomac. The Copperheads may hiss and crawl, but just as sure as the sun w ill rise November 9, 1864, will we see them crawling back to their holes, never again to be resurrected, but to become the scorn of all lovers of their country, now and for centuries to come. Cowardly, sneaking reptiles! may they never have peace of mind until they throw off their shackles, and become what their Creator designed they should be—Union-loving and Union-saving men. The rebels are getting uneasy, and have been trying our left, but to no purpose. The conflict cannot be long delayed; Grant will soon move with telling power; the end is not far off.
Your loving son, Daniel S. Munn.

Unit 10:prelude To The Civil Warmr. Mac's Room Darkening

Tuesday, June 7, 1864.
Correspondence of the New-York Times.
Herewith I inclose a list of the killed, wounded and missing of the Sixty-sixth New-York Regiment. The Regiment now numbers about seventy men. Col. Morriss died, shot through the heart, in front of his regiment white on the charge.
Sergt Jas Carmichael, B.— M McCains B—missing.
killed. H Wichard, G—missing.
L Bauman, B—killed. John Swats, D—killed.
Chas Meyer, A—killed. Sergt Wm Armstrong, D.
Pat Hare, A-arm. Cormick Cain, - D.
Chris Klink, A—buttock. Wm Harris, D—wrist.
Thos Malloy, B—arm. John Cain, H—side.
Jas Riley, B—neck. Jos Allen, H—shoulder.
Jas Percival, G—shoulder. Jas Keenan, H—shoulder.
Sergt D Wilson, G. Sergt Richard Heacock, H.
John Thompson, B—arm. Sergt John Monihar, D--
Pat Keer, G. missing.
Sergt Wm Woods, B. Sergt J Anglin, D—missing.
Jas Cox, B. Corp O Hogan, D—missing.
Thos Dunn, B. John Cadwell, D—mising.
Sergt Chas Stevens, B. Geo Heath, H—missing.
Corp J Grettenburger, G— Corp Wm Otus, F—killed.
missing. Sergt J Quager, F—mouth.
Herman Nuderbroeker, A Corp Conrad Wiesman, E—
— missing. hand.
N Alex, A—missing. Julius Bauman, E—hand.
P Alenstetter, A—missing. Geo Roch, E.
Jas Leddy, B—missing. Stephen White, C.
F Schwartz, E—foot. Corp H Johnson, C--miss'g.
A Williamson, F. F Zerlout, C—missing.
Henry Kinger, F. H Goettinger, C—missing.
J Fulton, F—shoulder. C Grace, C—missing.
Corp Peter Whitmeyer, E— C Brown, C—missing.
missing. Lafayette Fuller, A.
Wm Beguberg, E—missing. Corp J Hines, K—arm.
H Hebreustatter, E—miss'g. James Rollman, K.
Jacob Minger, E--missing. John Friemer, K.
Paul Weimur, E--missing. Joseph Winterhallen, K.
Alfred Moosier, F—missing. John Wenk, K.
H Bentenbaugh, F--missing. J Hess, K—arm amputated.
J Callahoun, F--missing. Corp M Cady, I—missing.
I Asthemer, F--missing. Richard Bull, I—missing.
Corp A Pincus, C--scalp. __ Nelman, I—missing.
Corp Peter Wagner, C. __ Reck, I--missing.
Patrick Ryan, C-hand. __ Wilking, I--missing.
H Gibson, C--hand. Thos Early, I-missing.
John Nuweek, C--side. __ Trenchamout, I-miss'g.
Sergt T Shaw. I—killed. __ Murphy, I--missing.
Corp Wm Witzenstein, I— Corp Brown, K—missing.
killed. Andrew Miller, K—missing.
Adam Haur, I--killed. __ Rullege, K-missing.
Sergt F Smith, K—killed. __ Weber, K--missing.
Sergt L Schroen, C-miss'g. __ Haller, K--missing.
Peter Hartling, G--killed. N G Hewlett, F--killed.
Sergt Jno Gilgon, H—neck. Jas McMichaels, F—slight.
Francis Reading, F-thigh. Jas Philpot, G--missing.
Wm Peter Eyring, A-leg. Jacob Schapter, E-side.
Lieut Simon Pincus, G—re- Henry Yeager, E—slight.
turned to regiment. John Cartney, I-killed.
John L King, F--contusion. Chris'r Harrington, K-leg.
Col. O H Morris--killed. Hy Schultz, I-leg and side.
Sergt J Williams, B-killed. Patrick Monaghan. K—foot.
Job S Van Buren, G—leg. Henry Mechwith, K—killed.
Francis Mullen, G-leg. Sergt C Reynolds, H-arm.
Thos Kearigan, F--leg. Corp W Stratford, H-hand.
Chas O'Neill, B—thigh. Robt Jno Gillmore, F—thign.
BRyan Bassett, G. John Secore, C--arm.
T Matthews, H—contusion. James Brady, F--killed.
John Byorner, I--shoulder. Andrew Hutter, A-foot.
Timothy Flanagan, D--leg. John Dougherty, G--knee
George Adams, G--leg. joint.

[Editor's note: The men mentioned in this article are almost all from the 60th New York Volunteer Infantry. Thanks to S.D. Glazer, Lieutenant-Colonel of U.S.A.R. (Ret.), for pointing this out.]
Headquarters 66th N. Y. V. V.
Near Marietta, Ga., July 4th, 1864.
Editor Plaindealer:
In days of yore, we were wont to lay our labors aside on this day, adorn ourselves in our best attire, and sally forth, to celebrate our National Independence, and the grand fucilade that was raised by the innumerable kinds of fireworks, and the booming of cannon, was considered the rarest kind of sport. No doubt there are many now at home following this time-honored custom, and may the memory that such scenes will enliven, strengthen the resolve that this day shall never be forgotten—that the old 'Stars and Stripes' shall never be disgraced. But for those who are now fighting for the maintenance of those 'Stars and Stripes' in the field, I can say for one, and I think I speak the minds of thousands that are near me, that our patriotism would not be weakened could we pass this day without hearing the crack of a musket, or the boom of a cannon, but be allowed the quiet bivouac, and our thoughts let loose to riot on imaginary scenes, that are so easily called up of home. For more than a month we have not been out of the hearing of fire-arms, and though we have had but two or three heavy engagements during that time, yet there is hardly a day passes without its list of casualties, and still the work goes on. We have been opposed to heavy earthworks most of the time, and so strong that our Generals have not considered it expedient to assault them, but have taken the slower method of turning the flanks, and obliging them evacuate. Yesterday they abandoned a very strong position, giving us possession of the very important town, Marietta. Information was received the night before last that the rebels was evacuating, and we were prepared to follow at daybreak. We passed through their works, and soon our skirmishers began to bring in prisoners. Most of them were men that had got sick of the war, and though they had been taught that the 'Yankees' shoot, or press, every man they get into the service, they had concluded that they would rather stand their chance with us than to longer bear the despotic rule of the Confederacy, and when they found themselves well treated—better than they could have hoped for—they were the happiest looking men I have seen for many a day. On meeting the regiments with their banners unfurled, many of them would raise their hats in respect for the 'old flag,' and I believe it was the grandest sight they had seen for more than three long years. They report that nearly all the rank and file would leave their army if they could, and many of the officers are getting sick of the war. A Colonel and twelve men came in a few days since. The Colonel was very happy to change his 'base of operations,' and take transportation North. Our division captured about two hundred and fifty prisoners yesterday, and a few have come into our lines to-day. We are now in line of battle, facing another series of works, and that which rests heaviest on our minds is, how shall we get them out? They resist every inch of ground stubbornly, and keep a corps of inefficient soldiers and negroes erecting fortifications for them to fall back into. But Sherman is tenacious, and is bound to accomplish his object. The health of the regiment has been very good during this campaign, considering its length, with the extremely hot weather, and the amount of work performed. It is now sixty-four days since we started, and there has been hardly a day but what we have been on active duty, and, of course, our ranks get thined. On starting we numbered 315 men, and twenty-four officers, and we have had an addition of twenty-two recruits. We now number 218 men and sixteen officers. Seventy-five of the losses have occurred in battle. The rest have been sent back sick. Among the number sick is Col. Godard. His health was not good when we started, but he was determined to go through the campaign; humanity cannot stand everything, however, and at last he had to give up, though he remained as long as he could sit on his horse. The regiment feels the loss of his presence greatly, and all hope the day is not far distant when he will be able rejoin us again. The regiment is now commanded by Capt. Thomas Elliott, the senior officer present, Lieut.-Col. Thomas not having recovered from his wound yet. The day before yesterday we were compelled to bid one of our oldest officers farewell, Quartermaster Merritt, who has served in that capacity since the organization of the regiment, and I may here say, for I speak only the words of men and officers in this division, that he was the best Quartermaster in the division, and he leaves nothing but friends behind him. He has received an appointment as Commissary of Subsistance with the rank of Captain, and ordered to report at Washington, D. C. We all feel that the position is more than due him, yet we hated to bid him good-by. Many are the good wishes and 'Godspeed you' that follow him. But the bugle of an adjoining division has sounded the 'attention,' and it behooves me to be ready to hear ours soon. If it be for a fight that we assemble, we will try and do honor to the day.

Colonel Orlando H Morris, of the Sixty-sixth New-York state volunteers, Second corps, of the Army of the Potomac, was killed on the battle-field on Friday, June 3. He was twenty-nine years of age. Funeral ceremonies for relatives and friends will take place at the Reformed Dutch Church at Bergen Point, New Jersey, to-day at 2 P.M. The remains will subsequently be conveyed to Cortlandt street ferry, New-York, where, at 8 o'clock p. M., they will be received by a guard of honor of the United States troops, and taken to the Governor's Room, City Hall, where friends will have an opportunity to view the remains until Sunday, 12th instant, at 2 p. m., when the Twelfth New-York National Guard, under command of Colonel Ward, will escort the remains to Greenwood Cemetery. Boats to convey relatives and friends to Bergen Point will leave pier No. 2 North river at 12 3/4 P. M. to-day, and arrangements have been made for their return.
The following is the official order:
New-York, June 9, 1864.
Special Order No. 17.
Brigadier-General Yates, of the Second brigade, will detail a regiment from his command as a funeral escort to the remains of the gallant Colonel Orlando H. Morris, of the Sixty-sixth New-York volunteers, who nobly fell while leading his regiment at the battle of Coal Harbor.
The funeral services will take place on Sunday afternoon, at such hour as may be designated by the committee of arrangements.
By order of Major-General Chas. W. Sanford.
Alex. Hamilton, A. D. C.
General Yates has designated the Twelfth regiment as a funeral escort, and it will assemble on Washington parade ground at 1 o'clock.

Unit 10:prelude To The Civil Warmr. Mac's Roommate

New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs: Military History
Last modified: January 3, 2008
URL: http://www.dmna.state.ny.us/historic/reghist/civil/infantry/66thInf/66thInfCWN.htm